Gambar Anjing | Dog Drawings July 2018
These are some of the finished dog drawings from this month. Just click on the
Art, thoughts & anything by The Space Wanderer
The Space Wanderer
These are some of the finished dog drawings from this month. Just click on the
This week have been really slow in drawing because I’ve been occupied by my daily
People keep saying that the Stormtrooper helmet in the thied trilogy looks like Donald Duck,
My friend Citra and her husband adopted 4 dogs and sometimes they posted their journey
Domino was a sweet dog, may she rest in peace now.
Mencoba pengalaman baru pada cangkir kopi di setiap perjalanan tentu menyenangkan, maka saya biasanya memang
Coco and Abel I love to draw dogs and to learn the stories. The stories
Pembroke Welsh Corgis are very affectionate, love to be involved in the family, and tend
The French Bulldog (also known as Frenchie) is a small breed of domestic dog as the result of a cross between
Makanan Timur Tengah itu biasanya kaya dengan rempah dan memiliki rasa yang khas, terutama karena
I met Jana during a toy con in Singapore back in 2008. I always remember
Jaeger the dog.